This movie is one of those love it or hate it types. Some people can't stand the silliness or find it not-humorous, but I thought it was hilarious.
this movie is action comedy, and I must say that it does both quite well. But it surprisingly lacks an honest sense of emotion. A lot of action-comedies usually have a moment where everything slows down and the lovers have a honest-to-god lovey dovey moment of romance and emotion. This movie lacks that. I don't really care either way, but it's an observation I had.
BTW, by "good action" I mean this is light hearted, uninspired but entertaining fight scenes, explosions and like.
this movie is is one of those silly popcorn entertainment movies where your not supposed to take things to seriously
somewhat predictable, but it I honestly felt it did a good job of the giving the guys a fair 50/50 shot to win the girl.
good popcorn entertainment